The CRISJ Arts Subcommittee acknowledges the generosity of our many supporters. Their contributions helped make this exhibition possible. We are grateful for their on-going commitment to advancing social justice in our communities through various projects. We encourage you to support them in their social justice endeavors, thank you!
The Support Team:
Associated Students Inc., Sacramento State
Aaron Winters, User Experience Designer, Sacramento State
Barbara Range, Brickhouse Gallery
Bill Stotler, articulator: Interviewer, Photographer, Publisher
Cheryl Johnson, Executive Assistant, Provost Office, Sacramento State
Councilmember Eric Guerra, District 6
Councilmember Jeff Harris, District 3
Dianne Hyson, Dean of the College of Social Science and Interdisciplinary Studies (SSIS), Sacramento State
Faith J. McKinnie, Curator
Hacker Lab
Instituto Mazátlan des Bellas Artes de Sacramento (IMBA)
Karen Booth, University Communications, Senior Brand Officer, Sacramento State
Jeff Dillon, Director of Web Services, Sacramento State
Joseph Sais, Sac State Student, A&L Student Govt Representative (ASI), Sacramento State
Jody Ulich, Convention and Cultural Service Director, City of Sacramento
Leigh Barber, Administrative Analyst/Specialist, Sacramento State
Leili Khalessi, Lead Alumni Outreach and Communications Officer, Sacramento State
Liv Moe, Sacramento Arts Regional Alliance (SARA) and Verge Center for the Arts
Megan Van Voorhis, Culture and Creative Economy Manager, City of Sacramento
Minnie Chabot, Manager, Post Award Administration, University Enterprises, Inc.
NextGen Policy
Office of Mayor Darrell Steinberg
Sacramento Promise Zone, SHRA
Rodrigo Zamora, GYK Media, Owner
Ruben Reveles, Digital Artist
Ryan Arndt, IT Consultant, College of SSIS, Sacramento State
Sacramento Office of Arts and Culture
Sacramento Region Community Foundation
Sheree Meyer, Dean of the College of Arts & Letters, Sacramento State
Sonya Lovine, Economic Development Specialist, Office of Research, Innovation, and Economic Development, Sacramento State
Steve Perez, Provost, Sacramento State
Teatro Nagual
The Van Auker and Edelman Family