Jose R. Guerrero, The Dream is Not for You 2018 mixed media painting 48"T x 38"W

Children’s Dreams at the US Border by Basia D. Ellis, Ph.D., Professor of Child and Adolescent Development, Sacramento State; Curriculum Chair, Dreamer Resource Center 

Kachiside Madu…Breathe, May 30, 2020 digital photograph

Our Streets! by  John Johnson, Sacramento State


Jorge Quintana, The Poem Where My People Never Suffer

Poetic visions rooted to mis raíces [my roots], by Manuel Barajas, Professor, Department of Sociology, Sacramento State

Briana Swain, Riot Today, Dance Later, visual artwork created using PhotoShop and poetry.

Briana Swain, Riot Today, Dance Later, visual artwork created using PhotoShop and poetry.

Briana Swain reading We Gave It A Good Try

Deconstructed Artichoke Press, Nikki Thompson (she/her), Riots Become Protest 2020 paper zineUnfolding Political History by Mark Brown, Professor of Political Science, Sacramento State

Deconstructed Artichoke Press, Nikki Thompson (she/her), Riots Become Protest 2020 paper zine

Unfolding Political History by Mark Brown, Professor of Political Science, Sacramento State


Watch the zine Riots Become Protest unfold. photograph of 3 paper zines on the asphalt ground over a manhole cover.

a zine (DIY magazine) that exists both in the worlds of atoms and bytes. | Volumes:

01 · Before Today 2020 

02 · Normal Never Was 2020

03 · Future Tense Perfect 2020

but we make a place

temporary by its nature

a tent, debris of daily life

and we live on below the levee

by the rail road track

by Cathleen Williams, writer for Sacramento’s homeless newspaper, the Homeward Street Journal

Helia Pouyanfar, There, Now Here Vol. I

Helia Pouyanfar, There, Now Here Vol. I

Helia Pouyanfar, (Detail) There, Now Here Vol. II

Helia Pouyanfar, (Detail) There, Now Here Vol. II

Helia Pouyanfar, Walls Have Ears Vol. I

Helia Pouyanfar, Walls Have Ears Vol. I

Helia Pouyanfar, (Detail) Walls Have Ears Vol. I

Helia Pouyanfar, (Detail) Walls Have Ears Vol. I


Esta vida, a collection of poems by Danny Romero

Jennifer Lugris, American Dream 2021 Ink on United States currencyBeyond Face Value, by Dr. Brenda Romero, Assistant Professor of Spanish, Sacramento State

Jennifer Lugris, American Dream 2021 Ink on United States currency

Beyond Face Value, by Dr. Brenda Romero, Assistant Professor of Spanish, Sacramento State


"This land belongs to me and if the railroad wants to run here, they will have to pay me ten thousand dollars."

Modesta Avila

Sarah Rafael García & Cecilia López, Modest Avila Obstructing Development Since 1889 (#MAOD)

La leyenda de la resistencia de Modesta corre como un fantasma por todas nuestras comunidades (The legend of the Modesta’s resistance runs like a ghost throughout our communities), by Jose Artiga, SHARE FOUNDATION, Executive Director and Sarah Garcia


A Poetic Letter for Amerikkka, by Rosa Martinez, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Department of English, Sacramento State.


Dear Amerikkka, by Maya Coleman

You say you are not your ancestors, but there is still an unpaid debt.

And as you can see, the descendants birthed after your crimes are here to collect.

How do you calculate the worth of millions of Black enslaved bodies?

How do you reconcile intentional systematic productions of poverty?

As far as I can see,

You shake a lot

You deflect

You don’t know whether to call me Black or African American,

And say nothing as your family talks about how to make America Great again.

Oh the silence.

Oh how it has taken up more space then your privilege.

It’s uncomfortable isn’t it.

You say you are not your ancestors, but I am mine. They sent me to send you the message that we won’t be singing hymns this time.

No more asking for freedom, recognition and acceptance. No more waiting on your repentance.

Oh the silence,

And how it has been the greatest violence.

They tell me that my analysis isn’t fair.

“After all Maya it’s not like you were there.”

Forget the genocide of my people.

Allow these conversations about race

Just like 1968 to make me feel

that the playing fields are equal

“Maya forgive and forget,

Move forward and neglect that all these conversations have not produced reparations yet. Shhhhhhhh Maya be patient.”

They theorize in their classrooms

about what black people want and need

As if Black scholars and intellectuals

Did not leave.

A blueprint

A clue

Debating on whether racism is my problem to fix

Or is it for you?

How do you calculate that worth of millions

Of Black enslaved bodies?

How do you reconcile

Intentional systematic productions of poverty?

Seems like the first of the month with no harmony.

Amerikkka your rent is due.

And you

say you are not your ancestors, but there is still an unpaid debt.

And as you can see, the descendants birthed after your crimes are shamelessly here to collect.

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Words, Images and Sounds of the Revolution, by Chris Castañeda, Professor of History, Sacramento State

Sociology 194: Social Change And Migration in Latin America, Spring 2021, Sacramento State, Professor Heidy Sarabia Digital collages, drawings, and reflections by students on the Mexican Revolution (1910), Cuban Revolution (1959), and Nicaraguan Revolution (1979).

Marquise Grace, Empathy: Free Our Children, acrylic on canvas 64 inches x 48 inches

Marquise Grace, Empathy: Free Our Children, acrylic on canvas 64 inches x 48 inches


Disciplining Fertility into Genocide by Maria Elena Vargas, Assistant Professor of Ethnic Studies, Sacramento State

Cristopher Ruiz Martinez (He/Him/His), Genocide, 2020 Sculpture, Mixed Media 4" X 7.5" X 1”

Cristopher Ruiz Martinez (He/Him/His), Genocide, 2020 Sculpture, Mixed Media 4" X 7.5" X 1”

Lisa Jetonne, Wearing the Wreckage 2021 Parachute Harness (disassembled and rearranged; hardware added), 100 yards of polypropelene webbing, template text of a Protective Order. Woman's size 6 to 18, variable/adjustable, 36" x 25" x 25"

Lisa Jetonne, Wearing the Wreckage 2021 Parachute Harness (disassembled and rearranged; hardware added), 100 yards of polypropelene webbing, template text of a Protective Order. Woman's size 6 to 18, variable/adjustable, 36" x 25" x 25"


Protection orders as parachutes: The impact of domestic violence by Danielle Slakoff, Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice, Sacramento State

Kendall Wharry (she/her), On Wednesday's We Wear Pink, digital medium

Kendall Wharry (she/her), On Wednesday's We Wear Pink, digital medium

Kendall Wharry (she/her), Blue Isn't A Race,  digital medium

Kendall Wharry (she/her), Blue Isn't A Race, digital medium

Kendall Wharry (she/her), Black As My Heart,  digital medium

Kendall Wharry (she/her), Black As My Heart, digital medium

Cheryl Gleason, Open Your Eyes, 2020 Acrylic painting 24”x38”

Cheryl Gleason, Open Your Eyes, 2020 Acrylic painting 24”x38”

Cheryl Gleason, Enough is Enough, 2020 acrylic painting 24”x38”

Cheryl Gleason, Enough is Enough, 2020 acrylic painting 24”x38”

Social Justice and the Art of Cheryl Gleason, reflection by Steve Iverson, Fellow Human Being

Raphael Douglas, Slow It Down by Raph's Radio, December 2020 Audio/Video Recording

Serafina Johnson, The Radical Pledge of Allegiance, 04/06/2021 Poster

Serafina JohnsonThe Radical Pledge of Allegiance, 04/06/2021 Poster

Pledge of Allegiance to Dignidad y Respeto to Communities in Resistance, by Dr. Nancy Huante Tzintzun, Ph.D., Ethnic Studies Lecturer, Sacramento State


Nj Mvondo & Juan Miranda #TimeForTheNine Spoken Word Performance

Darning Stitch, by Michael C. Healey, In collaboration with NJ Mvondo & Juan Miranda:  #TimeForTheNine...threads may form a herringbone

Marlisa Anderson, America Stars & Stripes (What Goes Around Comes Around). Crocheted mandala using multiple threads and a single crochet stitch to create a tight- woven closed tapestry. 32”-36” Diam.

Marlisa AndersonAmerica Stars & Stripes (What Goes Around Comes Around). Crocheted mandala using multiple threads and a single crochet stitch to create a tight- woven closed tapestry. 32”-36” Diam.

Marlisa Anderson, Homage to the Ancestors. Crocheted mandala using multiple threads and a single crochet stitch to create a tight- woven closed tapestry. 32”-36” Diam.

Marlisa AndersonHomage to the Ancestors. Crocheted mandala using multiple threads and a single crochet stitch to create a tight- woven closed tapestry. 32”-36” Diam.

Marlisa Anderson, Pathways to Enlightenment. Crocheted mandala using multiple threads and a single crochet stitch to create a tight- woven closed tapestry. 32”-36” Diam.

Marlisa AndersonPathways to Enlightenment. Crocheted mandala using multiple threads and a single crochet stitch to create a tight- woven closed tapestry. 32”-36” Diam.

Geometrical and Subtle, by Luis R. Campos-Garcia (he, him, his), Visual Artist


 Jalen Tyre, One Blood, One Love

“I Don’t’ Want to Time Travel No Mo,” by Dr. Andrea L. Moore (She, Her, Sis, Queen), Associate Professor of Ethnic Studies; Director, Cooper-Woodson College Enhancement Program, Sacramento State

Cynthia R. Hobson ENOUGH! 2021, 3 paintings, acrylic on canvas, each 16x20

Cynthia R. Hobson ENOUGH! 2021, 3 paintings, acrylic on canvas, each 16x20

Cynthia R. Hobson ENOUGH! 2021, 3 paintings, acrylic on canvas, each 16x20

Cynthia R. Hobson ENOUGH! 2021, 3 paintings, acrylic on canvas, each 16x20

Social Movements are more than words, reflection on the art of Cynthia Hobson by Stan Oden, Ph.D., Professor, Department of Political Science, Sacramento State

Social Movements are more than words, reflection on the art of Cynthia Hobson by Stan Oden, Ph.D., Professor, Department of Political Science, Sacramento State


Time of Possession

A time of possession

The obsession of possessing possessions

Called into question

Moral-less laws, we second guessing

more or less

Used as a weapon

Justice could never step in

Mortgage application

A tool of oppression

Leveraged into suppression

Of votes in an election

Impacts the education

And the regulation

Of a nation

Unnatural elements

No signs of intelligence

At the helm of it

Capitalize, therein lies to sell a bit

Another occasion we celebrate for the hell of it

This information

Or dis-information

In the form of misinformation

Causes you to miss information

And this limitation

Puts you in a situation

Where your whole presentation

Will face discrimination

Within a nation, its overt and its blatant

Almost naturally people hating

And believe me It’s frustrating

Over 400 years plus… waiting.

Ranon Maddox aka Ranonsense

The Dialect of Freedom: An Analysis of Ranon Maddox’s Time of Possession, by Mark Carnero, Ed.D, Lecturer, Department of Sociology, Sacramento State



Oke Junior, Elmhurst (Live Performance)

A Reflection on Misconception by Faith J. McKinnie, Curator

Noelle C. We The People 2021 acrylic and mace gloss paint on canvas 16” x 18”

Noelle C. We The People 2021 acrylic and mace gloss paint on canvas 16” x 18”

We the People! by Dr. Stacey Chimimba Ault, Assistant Professor of Social Work, Sacramento State


“Gale Minna’s provocative piece provides a poignant glimpse into what it is like to grow up “othered” in the U.S. Minna takes us on a three-part journey to illustrate how our colonized education system leads to feelings of inadequacy and marginalization.”

 Like Me, by Susan J. Nakaoka, Assistant Professor, Division of Social Work, Sacramento State

EDUC 160: Urban Education, Expressing Identity and Inequality, includes five pieces by Sacramento State Students created as part of the class Urban Education, taught by Professor Jana Noel, Student contributors: Anonymous, Andrea Lopez Juarez, Annissa Terry , Paola Ramirez and Laurel Woldruff

These five pieces are students' expressions of identity and inequality. 1) A Mexican American woman expresses how the world sees her as full of stereotypes compared to how her family sees her. 2) An African American woman expresses how others see and interact with her through harmful stereotypes as a Black woman. 3) A student portrays the unequal treatment the law provides immigrants compared to White males. 4) A woman illustrates how a woman's climb to the top is missing rungs in a ladder compared to a man's journey up the ladder. 5) A woman illustrates that women around the world face a large "stop sign" in their lives.

 Lenses and Counternarratives by Dr. Araceli Feliz, Assistant Professor of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies in the Department of Graduate and Professional Studies in Education, Sacramento State

Teri Knox (she, her), Perceived Value and Representaion, "If Only..." July 2020, portrait in wood, spray paint and gold leaf

Teri Knox (she, her), Perceived Value and Representaion, "If Only..." July 2020, portrait in wood, spray paint and gold leaf


Teri Knox (she, her), Perceived Value and Representaion, "Mixed Pride," March 2021, a poem recited.


Pride in Mixed Pride – A Reflection . . . by Kathy Jamieson, Professor, Sacramento State


Art 145: Advanced Printmaking. Faculty: Summer Ventis Student Artists: Elizabeth Kellogg, Cecilia Lopez, the Mayor, Byron Medina, Daisy Mejia, Kellina Miller, Sage Stanley. Student Curator: Sage Stanley.

Cecilia Lopez, You are Valid, 2021

Cecilia Lopez, You are Valid, 2021

Sage Stanley, Through Rose-Colored Glasses, 2021

Sage Stanley, Through Rose-Colored Glasses, 2021

Daisy Mejia, If You Don’t Like it- Don’t Watch, 2021

Daisy Mejia, If You Don’t Like it- Don’t Watch, 2021

Cecilia Lopez, You are Valid, 2021

Cecilia Lopez, You are Valid, 2021

Elizabeth Kellogg, Forget-Me-Knot, 2021

Elizabeth Kellogg, Forget-Me-Knot, 2021

Kellina Miller, JK-I’m Just Lazy, 2021

Kellina Miller, JK-I’m Just Lazy, 2021

Cecilia Lopez, You are Valid, 2021

Cecilia Lopez, You are Valid, 2021

Byron Medina, Not Allowed, 2021

Byron Medina, Not Allowed, 2021

the Mayor, It’s Just Chemicals, 2021

the Mayor, It’s Just Chemicals, 2021

The Power of Prints,  by  Peter Foucault, Artist

Kerri Warner, We the People 2019 mixed media collage on wood panel 36” x 36” x 2.5”

Kerri WarnerWe the People 2019 mixed media collage on wood panel 36” x 36” x 2.5”

 Fashions have changed. Laws have changed. Our social standards have changed. But have we sufficiently advanced the causes represented by the flag and the words on the wall? Reflection on the art of Kerri Warner by Deborah Seiler, Retired Election Administrator and Renaissance Society member

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Banners of Hope, First Week Back for Students April 2021, an ongoing project for our students 1-6th. Kate Garcia, Washington Elementary School, Sacramento

How can I improve society? How can I make the world a better place? How can we have equality for all? How can we have justice for all?

Justice Named: Banners of Hope by Margarita Berta-Ávila, Professor of Education, California Faculty Association, Chapter President, Sacramento State